Side Lying


Let’s talk about the underdog of developmental positions: side lying.

Side lying is a meaningful, but often overlooked, developmental position. And you might have already noticed this, but side lying is half of rolling!

So consider this your invitation to take a break from tummy time and give side-lying the spotlight for it’s very own 15 minutes of fame.

Try this:

Roll up a towel and use it as a bolster behind your baby’s back in sidelying.

(I’m talking to all of you with babies that are not rolling on their own, yet.)

In this supported side lying, you can be face to face with your baby.

While they are lying on their side, with both hands resting in front of their body, place a toy in their hands. This is a great time to introduce the objects that have a variety of textures for novel sensory experiences.

In this position, your baby can easily see their hands as they interact with the toy. And the toy is more likely to stay in place as opposed to when they are lying on their back and the toy is on their tummy.

Remove the support from behind your baby’s back and allow them to roll from side lying to their back. This will be an uncontrolled roll. It prepares your baby’s vestibular system for the feeling of rolling from tummy to back, when the time comes.

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P.S. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not a substitute for skilled physical therapy intervention. While I am a physical therapist, I am not your child's physical therapist. If you have questions or concerns about your child's health and/or development, please contact your pediatrician.


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