Why Do Babies Go Backward Before Crawling Forward?


If you've noticed your baby going backward instead of forward when attempting to army crawl, you're not alone. It's a common occurrence that can leave parents wondering what's going on. Let’s explore why babies often go backward before moving forward during the crawling process. Understanding the developmental reasons behind this phenomenon can help you support your baby's crawling journey.

The Army Crawling Process

Babies undergo a series of milestones as they develop their crawling skills. During tummy time, they begin by pushing up through their arms to lift their head and explore their surroundings. As their strength and coordination improve, they may start pushing themselves in circles and then backward. This backward movement is an essential part of motor development. It helps them learn how to push up onto their hands and knees.

Transitioning to Forward Army Crawling

Moving forward requires a slight adjustment in technique for babies. They quickly realize the need to engage their legs more actively while learning to pull themselves forward using their arms instead of pushing up and back. This coordination between arms and legs is an important aspect of mastering forward crawling.

Encouraging Forward Movement

While it's important to let your baby explore and practice pushing backward, you can also provide opportunities to encourage forward movement.

Try This:

Create a play space in a corner of the room, positioning your baby on their tummy with their feet touching the walls.

The corner acts as a natural block, preventing backward movement and encouraging forward exploration. Place toys slightly out of reach to motivate your baby to reach forward and crawl toward them.

Embrace the Crawling Journey

It's important to remember that each baby develops at their own pace. The crawling journey is a unique process for every baby, and going backward before moving forward is a normal part of that progression. Embrace this exciting stage of your baby's development, celebrate their milestones, and provide a supportive environment to foster their exploration and mobility.

TL;DR: Observing your baby going backward instead of forward during the army crawling phase may initially seem counterintuitive. However, it's a normal part of their motor development process. As your baby gains strength and coordination, they will learn to move forward using their arms and legs together. By creating an engaging play space and encouraging forward movement, you can support your baby's crawling journey and celebrate their milestones along the way.


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P.S. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not a substitute for skilled physical therapy intervention. While I am a physical therapist, I am not your child's physical therapist. If you have questions or concerns about your child's health and/or development, please contact your pediatrician.


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