A Pre-walking Tip Using the Couch

couch for baby walking

Before babies actually take their first steps, there are a lot of false alarms. They are sooo close. They stand up from the floor, and just stand there with a wide stance, psyching you out, and lowering back down to the floor instead of taking a step. You’re pretty sure they can do it, though!

Want to help them figure this out?

 Try this:

Stand your baby with their back against the sofa. Scoot back a little, hold your arms out, and say “come here!”

For some babies, having the supportive surface at their back, helps them feel more secure and confident leaning forward to take some steps. It may not happen on the first try, but keep at it!

Baby standing with their back to the couch
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P.S. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not a substitute for skilled physical therapy intervention. While I am a physical therapist, I am not your child's physical therapist. If you have questions or concerns about your child's health and/or development, please contact your pediatrician.


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