Getting Down From Standing at the Couch

Baby squatting down from standing at couch

You know when you go for a hike up a mountain, and coming down is the hardest part?

Well that’s a lesson that we actually learn when we are babies, even before we can walk.

You might notice it when your baby starts pulling up to stand.

Pulling up to the couch? Piece of cake. But then they are stuck and start crying because they don’t know how to get down. Their first attempts are big, uncontrolled, plops down to the floor. Sticking their bum out behind them and keeping their knees locked, while bracing for impact.

Eventually, as balance and strength improve, this transition down to the floor will start looking a little more elegant. And that’s because they learn to bend their knees with better control.

Want to help them figure this out?

 Try this:

While standing at the couch, hold a toy to your baby’s side, at knee-level, to encourage a mini-squat as they reach for the toy.

A mini-squat while releasing the supportive surface with one hand is a great way to start building strength and control for lowering. Remember to practice this on both sides.

Once they have mastered the mini-squat, hold the toy lower, eventually placing it on the floor. As your baby develops more control, they will be able to squat down to sit on the floor. And later on… squat to get the toy and return to standing without sitting on the floor!

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P.S. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not a substitute for skilled physical therapy intervention. While I am a physical therapist, I am not your child's physical therapist. If you have questions or concerns about your child's health and/or development, please contact your pediatrician.


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