One Toy At A Time

baby playing with Christmas presents under the Christmas tree

For a lot of you, this will be your baby’s first Holiday Season. That can mean new toys to play with!

Have you ever noticed that when you’re playing with your baby on the floor, and all their toys are out at once, they seem to move from one to the next – without engaging for very long?

 Try this:

Bring out one toy at a time for your baby to play with.

This doesn’t need to be the only way to play…there's nothing wrong with having more than one toy out at a time. But, if you decide to try this, notice any changes in your baby’s play behavior that might occur. 

 Are they spending more time engaging with the toy? How do they respond when you swap the toy for a different toy? Are they more willing to try to roll or crawl to the toy?

Toy placement plays a big role in the development of mobility skills.

Babies that are learning to roll or crawl will usually go for the toy that is easiest to get. So, if their toys are scattered all around them, within reach, there is no reason for them to try to move to get to their toy. But, if the only toy they see is outside their reach, there are less distractions, and they are more likely to make attempts to move to get it. 

Happy Holidays!

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P.S. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not a substitute for skilled physical therapy intervention. While I am a physical therapist, I am not your child's physical therapist. If you have questions or concerns about your child's health and/or development, please contact your pediatrician.


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